Dare to Dream
Jan 27, 2019 11:38PM ● By Janet Catalina
A dream is not simply a desire. A dream is something you aspire to, a goal that excites you. Finding a soul mate, traveling the world, having a more fulfilling job … just the thought of it sizzles for you.
Do you have a dream? Is it still alive, or have you put it aside? Does your dream seem to have slipped away?
In essence, we are creating our lives every moment. Often, though, we end up creating the “same old same old.” We get so caught up in day-to-day busyness, in what “needs” to be done, that we lose sight of the reality that every minute is the beginning of the rest of our lives. We may not even realize that we are the creators or that change is possible.
The second month of the New Year offers a perfect opportunity for reflection. With the holidays over, there’s now time to step back, take stock of your life and determine what you really want for yourself going forward. The first step is to clarify your aspirations. What is your dream? What do you truly want in life?
Once you are clear on this, you need to “feed” your dream—visualize it as if it has already happened, and feel the emotions of success. Believe it and allow yourself to feel that you deserve it. As you do that, the next steps toward realizing your dream will become clearer.
Often, though, we block ourselves. We may truly believe that we want to achieve our dream, but a part of us may feel unworthy or fearful.
For example, you may be searching for a soul mate, but if you‘re unconsciously scared of getting hurt or not being good enough, you could be blocking that perfect person from coming into your life. The same thing can happen if you’re dreaming of a lucrative new job or a different direction in your career. Can you visualize yourself succeeding in that new position, or do you tend to dwell on the risks of leaving your secure old job or on your fears that the new position may not work out?
We need to break through our fears, let go of old beliefs that we aren’t worthy or aren’t good enough to have abundance in our lives or be truly happy. We are the creators of our lives, and the only thing between us and our dreams is ourselves. Once we understand that, we can begin taking action to clarify what we want, let go of what’s blocking us, and empowering ourselves to step into the life we dream of.
This is something we can do on our own or by participating in a program that gives us guidelines for the journey. I work with an amazing program, PULSE Manifestation and Empowerment (PULSE stands for Perception Uniting Life Spiritual Energy), that guides participants through a complete step-by-step process—from clarifying dreams and discovering blockages, to breaking through those blockages to manifest a new life. The program is simple and enjoyable and can be learned in a daylong workshop or a weekend retreat.
Whether we engage in this process by ourselves or through a guided program, the key to success is knowing that we are the creators of our lives and that we can choose to live our dreams.
Janet Catalina, MSW, is a life coach and therapist and the co-developer of PULSE Manifestation, the culmination of her lifelong work helping people move past blockages into unlimited possibilities. She will lead a Pulse workshop February 2 and a Pulse weekend retreat August 2-4, both at the Mariandale Center in Ossining, NY. For more info, visit PulseManifestation.com.