Alexander Technique With Eve Silver Uses the Mind to Correct Painful Posture
Feb 27, 2020 04:46PM ● By Marilee Burrell
Eve Silver
EVE SILVER describes her first lesson in the Alexander Technique (AT) as a turning point in her life: “That’s when I realized that I had habitual and unconscious tension patterns, and learned to free them by thinking of letting go and allowing my body to respond. When I did this directional thinking, I immediately looked and felt different to myself and others, and my aches, pains and even emotional stress and fatigue diminished.”
Now, 10 years later, Silver teaches private AT sessions in Rye and Katonah, and group sessions by request. She is certified through a three-year, 1,600-hour teacher training program.
“AT is an educational method that penetrates to the heart of restoring physical well-being and emotional empowerment,” she says. “It helps you release tension to improve your poise, diminish pain, calm your nervous system and support overall health and immunity. The technique is unique because it teaches you to recognize patterns that cause your body to brace, slump and compress, and then in real time, to use your mind to undo those often unconscious patterns, no matter where you are or what you’re doing.”
Studies have shown AT’s effectiveness for treating a variety of issues, she says. Typically, students learn AT to relieve pain, soreness, stress, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease, fatigue, back or knee pain, or problems with focus.
“The work is powerful and life-changing,” Silver says. “People change in ways they never thought possible without medication or surgery.”
For more info, call 914.921.2400, email [email protected] or visit EVE SILVER.