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Natural Awakenings Westchester / Putnam / Dutchess New York

O’Hare Offers Andean Mystical Teachings: Throughout 2015 at the Healing House in Beacon, NY.

Eileen O’Hare

This winter and spring, Eileen O’Hare is offering various teachings from the Andean mystical lineage from Peru: the Andean Energy Body + Teqse Apus, the Andean Star Rites and the Andean Death Rites. Teachings will be held at the Healing House in Beacon, NY.

“These teachings awaken and enhance our relationship with the world of living energies all around us, from the local to the cosmic,” O’Hare says. “They promote deep healing for ourselves, our ancestors and the planet. If you have received the Munay Ki rites, these teachings provide principles and practices that will deepen your experience of this powerful mystical tradition.”

Throughout 2015, O’Hare is also facilitating a shamanic journey and teaching circle, followed by a potluck, the fourth Sunday of every month from 1 to 6 p.m. “The intention is to create and sustain supportive spiritual community during these times of tremendous shift and change,” she says. 

Eileen O’Hare offers private shamanic healing and clearing sessions. A specialist in “deep, effective and lasting soul retrieval,” she is also available for one-on-one teaching or to travel and teach a circle. Women’s Healing and Channeling Circle meets every Monday night at the Healing House. For more information about O’Hare and her work or to register for teachings, call 845.831.5790, e-mail [email protected] or visit