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Natural Awakenings Westchester / Putnam / Dutchess New York

Cupping Offered at Hygeia: Putting Wellness back into Health Care

Denise D. Foulkes

The 2016 Summer Olympics may have come and gone, but not without leaving a lasting impression—or impressions—on the many viewers and sports commentators who discussed the round marks on Michael Phelps’s torso as he swam to victory. “With all the talk about Michael Phelps and cupping, it seems like an opportune time to separate fact from media fiction on the subject,” says Denise D. Foulkes, founder of Hygeia Integrated Health in Yorktown.

Catherine Cusumano, one of a team of wellness practitioners at Hygeia, is trained in cupping, which she says “is effective for preventing injury due to overuse, but is also extremely effective when treating an injury.” Cusumano holds a Master of Science in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is a reiki practitioner, an ordained ministered and a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Acupuncture and cupping are just two of many treatments offered at Hygeia, which opened last spring with a mission of “putting wellness back into health care,” Foulkes says. “We aim to provide a truly integrated approach, one that addresses the mind-body synergy in achieving overall health and wellness.” A licensed clinical social worker with an MBA, Foulkes has more than 25 years of clinical social work experience from a variety of settings. Her team of practitioners also includes a psychiatrist, psychotherapists, a biofeedback specialist, a nutritionist and a massage therapist. Hygeia also offers monthly workshops and community acupuncture on Sundays.

Hygeia Integrated Health is located at 3505 Hill Blvd, Ste. K, Yorktown, NY. For more info, visit or call 914.352.6116.