FREE 30 Day Vegan Challenge for the New Year
Welcome and thank you for exploring your compassionate filled journey with Compassionate Filled Life's FREE 30 Day Vegan Challenge!
Curious about veganism?
Feeling called to make a change?
Looking for support to navigate veganism?
Join Vegan Coach, Chef, and Speaker, Christina Gdisis, as we celebrate the New Year with Veganuary - a month honoring the start of our compassionate and plant-based lifestyle. Communities and challenges are a great way to kickstart that goal, because they provide the support, encouragement, and inspiration we need when we are beginning new things in our lives.
Compassionate Filled Life's FREE 30 Day Vegan Challenge offers a non-judgmental space for you to explore veganism. The motto here is Progress, not perfection. So, whether you're thinking about trying to go vegan for your health, social justice, the environment, or for the animals, this challenge is for you.
When Christina went vegan a decade ago, she began her journey with a 21 day challenge, but research has found 30 days is the most effective number to change a habit. So, for 30 days, we'll be navigating the foundation of vegan lifestyle with recipes, resources, community, and much more!
Click on website for more details. Hope you can join us!
Date & Time
Every Day!
Jan 01, 2023 through Jan 31, 2023
More Info
Virtual EventFREE
Health & Wellness Vegan vegan cooking plant based vegan event vegan lifestyle vegan challenge vegan coaching new years resolution