Tarot & Tea
Having trouble making a decision? Need guidance or clarification on a matter?

This program is good for those curious about psychic readings. Wonderful for those who need confirmation on a matter. Great as a trial for new clients.
Program offered via Zoom
$18 per person (Adult Females Only) *Includes $3 processing fee.
Venmo: @PurpleLotusZen-222
PayPal: @PurpleLotusZen
Zelle: (914)513-8398
WHEN SENDING PAYMENT INCLUDE TITLE OF EVENT, YOUR NAME AND CONTACT INFO (EMAIL OR CELLPHONE #) FOR LINK TO ZOOM. Feel free to call/text me with any questions and or concerns at (914) 513-8398 Thank you!
Visit: www.PurpleLotusZen.com
Follow Purple Lotus Zen: Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok and YouTube
Event Organizer: Mrs. Michelle B. Whitney Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Healer and Wellness Advocate Michelle B. Whitey is founder of Purple Lotus Zen, a small minority owned business operated from her home in Yonkers, NY. All services are provided remotely, virtually and in-person by appointment only.
Date & Time
2nd Tuesday
Jan 16, 2024 through Jun 11, 2024
7:00PM - 8:00PM
More Info
Virtual Event914-513-8398
$18 per person
Other health Tarot Oracle Relationships spiritual guidance money career
Participating Businesses
Purple Lotus Zen