Dar Williams Headlines an Evening to Look at Man and Nature: Westchester Land Trust kicks off Leon Levy Distinguished Environmental Lecture & Film Series in Bronxville

Dar Williams
Westchester Land Trust (WLT) presents an evening with activist, songwriter and environmentalist Dar Williams on Thursday, February 9 at 7 p.m. to kick off the Leon Levy Distinguished Environmental Lecture & Film Series. This first event in the series is entitled Dynamic Relationships: Man & Nature and takes place in the Reisinger Concert Hall at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville. Williams will perform songs and talk about how “positive proximity” can reduce people’s environmental impact.
Tickets will be sold for $20 in advance and $25 at the door. All other events in the series are free, but advance registration is strongly encouraged. To purchase tickets, see directions and register for events, visit WestchesterLandTrust.org/2012-lecture-and-film-series. The Leon Levy series is sponsored by the Jerome Levy Foundation and designed to address issues significant to WLT and surrounding communities. Future topics include Green Fire: Aldo Leopold & A Land Ethic for Our Time, and Urban Forests.
WLT was founded in 1988 to preserve land in partnership with private property owners, help communities create new parks and preserves, and foster sound land use planning. Since then, the trust has helped to preserve more than 7,500 acres in 28 communities.
Sarah Lawrence College is located at 1 Mead Way in Bronxville. For more information, visit WestchesterLandTrust.org.