Planet Watch for February, 2012

Sense the Possibilities
On February 1 build a solid foundation for long-term success. Lean towards the promise of spring, both real and metaphorical, on February 2. Express your needs clearly to get results on February 3. February 4 brings tension; some battles are with yourself. On February 5 shelve new projects to work on the present. A dramatic flare erupts on February 6, but the flames quiet down by late afternoon.
Roaring Moonlight
The Leo Full Moon on February 7 highlights any conflicts between creative fulfillment and what feeds you emotionally; if these things aren’t in synch, now is the time for adjustment. Confusion upsets transitions on February 8 so being settled in a routine yields successful results. On February 9 don’t buy anything that you can’t return, because some impulses will fade. Immerse yourself in a project that doesn’t require too much brainpower on February 10. February 11 begins a lively weekend to meet goals. Creative communication builds bridges on February 12.
Fantastic Results
February 13 emphasizes research and focus. On Valentine’s Day, remember that a love worth having has respect connected to it. Dream big on February 15 and accomplish tasks, even if you hit a bump. If you feel stimulated or overwhelmed by information and/or opportunities on February 16, an anchored vision grounds you. If the fun or passion has left an endeavor on February 17, is it still worth your time? Projects already in motion go the distance on February 18.
Pisces New Moon
On February 19 clear your desk and reflect as you prepare to start fresh. Social networking and inspired ideas stimulate community action on February 20. Think of spiritual and creative fulfillment on February 21 and you’ll be in harmony with the Pisces New Moon. Be alert to snares on February 22; arguments can be very dispiriting. On February 23 allow yourself creative playtime and meditate, dance, organize or volunteer.
An Extra Day on February 29!
Slough off a provocation on February 24. Be grateful for smiles and the light of the day on February 25. On February 26 begin new ventures and forge meaningful relationships. Everything tastes better when you savor the moment on February 27. February 28 is a day to tidy up, clock out early, or do some thoughtful doodling. The “bonus” day of 2012 has plenty of buzz and activities; in spite of the distractions, solid work gets done to lead exactly where it’s intended.
Pamela Cucinell writes in-depth forecasts at Her clients benefit from “spot on” guidance and coaching. For revelatory, reliable and relevant private sessions and on-line subscriptions contact [email protected] or call 917.796.6026.