Processing is Key to Chocolate’s “Superfood” Status: Xoçaí chocolate available at WellSpring Green & Holistic Health Center in Larchmont

Chocolate has been identified as one of the truly healthy “superfoods.” That’s because cacao, from which chocolate is derived, is one of nature’s top sources of antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals and slow their damage. But that doesn’t mean all chocolate products are good for you.
Truly healthy chocolate is processed in a way that preserves the nutritional firepower of cacao, says Brigitte Shotiminrin, owner of WellSpring Green & Holistic Health Center in Larchmont, NY. She says proper processing allows cacao to retain phytonutrients known as flavonols, which have been shown in hundreds of studies to minimize inflammation; protect the brain, heart and blood vessels; support the immune system; modify blood sugar levels and negative hormone activity; protect and repair the liver; and preserve cellular integrity.
Unfortunately, most chocolate products don’t offer any real health benefits, Shotiminrin says. “Traditional processing means that the chocolate is heated, alkalized and combined with artificial and unhealthy ingredients, all of which destroy the cacao’s powerful antioxidants and degrade its nutritional content,” she says. Alkalizing chocolate neutralizes its antioxidants, and heating further destroys them and other vital nutrients, she explains. Adding waxes, milk solids, hydrogenated oils and sugar places the chocolate squarely in the “unhealthy” column.
A company called Xoçaí has pioneered a cold process that preserves the antioxidants and other crucial nutrients in chocolate, Shotiminrin says. “Xoçaí doesn’t alkalize its chocolate, and it uses only natural ingredients, including cocoa butter,” she says. “Xoçaí essentially created and leads the healthy chocolate industry, which is why I decided to carry its product line at WellSpring.”
WellSpring Green & Holistic Health Center is located at 1415 Boston Post Rd., Larchmont, NY. Contact the store at 914.341.1246 or [email protected].