Ondamed Biofeedback: with Laurie R. Mallis, MD at Searchlight Medical in Hopewell Junction, NY

More physicians are recommending noninvasive energy treatments for acute and chronic illnesses, both physical and emotional, says Laurie R. Mallis, MD, owner of SearchLight Medical in Hopewell Junction. “Energy treatment is the new wave in medicine,” she says. “One treatment that has come to the forefront is Ondamed, an advanced biofeedback technology from Germany. It works on the root causes of illness so that deep healing is possible, no matter how long you have been ill.”
Ondamed uses a painless biofeedback technique to detect and repair areas of cellular imbalance and tissue inflammation, Mallis says. “The natural healing process produces a highly focused pulsed electromagnetic field that penetrates deep into a targeted region of the body to stimulate tissues and jump-start cellular activities,” she says. “This facilitates detoxification and enables the body to reach homeostasis.” Ondamed complements other treatments, including conventional western medicine, acupuncture, reflexology and homeopathic remedies, she says. “With Ondamed, you respond faster and the effects are longer lasting.”
Ondamed is particularly beneficial for athletes, Mallis says. “Proven results are increased endurance, increased and strengthened performance, accelerated recovery, improved mental clarity and better sleep patterns,” she says. “That leads to a greater sense of well-being and better protection from serious injuries.” Treatments can address specific issues like weight loss, smoking cessation, stress and osteoporosis. Ondamed is FDA-approved as a biofeedback treatment and is covered by most insurance policies.
Searchlight Medical is located at 2345 Rte. 52, Hopewell Junction, NY. For more info, call 845.592.4310 or visit SearchLightMedical.com.