Dr. Angelo Baccellieri on Weight Loss with an HCG Diet: Westchester Wellness Medicine's medically supervised weight-loss programs
Oct 28, 2015 06:31PM ● By Kazaray Tayler
Angelo Baccellieri, MD, founder of Westchester Wellness Medicine, is board certified in anti-aging and restorative medicine. He provides medically supervised weight-loss programs with a structured, holistic approach, and he also specializes in bio-identical hormone replacement and functional medicine. His practice focuses on helping patients achieve longevity through a program that integrates vitamins and supplements, nutrition, hormone replacement, exercise and body detoxification.
You see big results with your weight-loss program. Is this program something you designed?
The HCG protocol was designed in the 1950s by a Dr. Simeon. Science has advanced since then, and I’ve updated the protocol to maximize effect. My current protocol involves four phases. Phase one is the detoxification phase, lasting two to four weeks. Phase two is the HCG diet—a very low-calorie diet in conjunction with HCG. This phase usually lasts forty days. Phase three is the transition phase, in which the calories are gradually increased over three weeks. Phase four is the final phase, in which we discuss caloric intake and following a paleo-type diet for life.
Tell me more about HCG. Why is it helpful in weight loss?
HCG is a hormone that a woman’s body produces during pregnancy. During the weight-loss process, we can lose both fat and muscle. HCG is theorized to work by preserving muscle and therefore targeting fat. The more muscle mass you maintain, the more calories you burn at rest, which helps keep the weight off. I have seen this happen in my patients.
Is this program appropriate for anyone?
The majority of my patients are women, but men do exceptionally well on this program. I have had four men lose over 100 pounds on this diet. The age range is over 18, with no upper age limit. In fact, I had a patient in her 70s come off her blood pressure medication after she lost 30 pounds. If you need to lose at least 10 pounds, this is an excellent option
What’s the importance of phase one, the detox program?
We are constantly bombarded by toxin exposure. These toxins are sequestered in our fat cells, and when we lose weight, the toxins are released from our fat cells and cause symptoms like fatigue, nausea, and brain fog. By preparing the body, we are able to lessen this effect. My detox consists of high-dose probiotics, fiber, avoiding inflammatory foods, and a detox kit that targets the liver and intestines. This has made a tremendous improvement in the success rate of my patients.
You end the program with a period of transition into everyday life. What type of meals do you recommend for your patients after they complete the program?
At the end of the program, I calculate their daily basal metabolic rate (BMR)—the number of calories they consume performing daily bodily functions. Using this as a guide for their daily caloric consumption, I put them on a real food diet, such as the paleo or caveman diet.
What kind of success can people expect in terms of taking the weight off and keeping it off?
A rule of thumb is that you can lose between half a pound and a pound per day. It really depends on how much weight you need to lose. The majority of my patients will be within five pounds of their transition weight at one year. A few will see me annually for a “tune-up.”
How can people learn more or get started working with you now?
They can contact me at Westchester Wellness Medicine at 914.699.6036 or 914.630.7330. There is a free initial 15-minute consultation to see if the program is right for them.
Dr. Angelo Baccellieri practices at two locations: 500 Mammaroneck Ave., Ste. 211, Harrison, NY (914.630.7330), and 704 Locust St., Mount Vernon, NY (914.699.6036). For more info, visit WestchesterWellnessMedicine.com.