Integrated Medicine’s “Blood Detective” Gets Oz’s Attention

Dr. Michael Wald
Dr. Michael Wald, director of longevity at Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco, NY, will soon be appearing on “The Dr. Oz Show.” The author of more than 10 books including Frankenfoods: GMO Dangers and Gluten-A-Holic: The Solution to the Gluten Problem, Wald has already appeared on several national media outlets, including ABC’s “World News Tonight,” CNN and the Food Network.
“Several (‘Dr. Oz’) shows are in the works,” Wald says. “It’s up to the producers whether or not my topics fit their audience’s needs. The first show I’ll be doing is centered around game changers—topics that can make a significant impact on people’s health.”
Wald creates personalized health plans for his patients at Integrated Medicine and has become known for uncovering health issues that have plagued people for years. His nickname, “the Blood Detective,” came from a grateful patient who finally found relief at Integrated Medicine, Wald says. “My team and I have developed an organized approach to each of our patients,” he says. “A careful health history and my Blood Detective lab tests and patent-pending Blood Detective computer technology help me develop individual food plans and supplement suggestions based on the unique biochemistry of those I work with. Natural approaches that are not based upon individuals often fall short of optimizing healing efforts.”
For a free 15-minute consultation with Wald, contact him at 914.242.8844 or [email protected].