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Natural Awakenings Westchester / Putnam / Dutchess New York

Local Landscape Designer Uses Shamanic Principles: Lia Russ has been helping people connect with themselves and the earth for more than 20 years.

Lia Russ

Local artist and landscape designer Lia Russ, who began studying shamanism in the early 1980s, is now incorporating shamanic principles into her design work, which includes consultations, design, project management and start-to-finish garden installations. She has been helping people connect with themselves and the earth through creating beautiful environments and organic vegetable gardens for more than 20 years.

Russ recently became a certified shamanic Reiki master and is apprenticing with Llyn Cedar Roberts to become a certified shamanic Reiki teacher.

“The thing I love the most about re-immersing myself in shamanic teachings is that it has increased my awareness of the flow of energy between man and nature,” she says. “It has made me more conscious of things I was doing naturally, like creating positive biospheres around my clients’ homes. When the earth, plants and other beings in a space are happy, their sense of contentment, peace and joy radiates exponentially. Add a beautiful landscape—whether for foraging, veggie or flower gardening—and the energy is even stronger. Shamanic gardening lends itself to finding the sacred in everything and bringing that home to rest in our hearts.”

Russ owns Walk a Sacred Path, a new healing center in Dover Plains, is working toward certification as a creative arts therapist, and is studying to become a holistic health and nutrition coach. Her book, Connecting the Dots, will be published soon.

For consultations, call 914.329.3325. For more info, visit,, or