CranioSacral Therapy Can Ease Back-to-School Anxiety: Children and teens often have increased anxiety and could benefit tremendously from CranioSacral Therapy’s gentle balancing of the central nervous system,

Joy Matalon
Joy Matalon is now offering back-to-school CranioSacral Therapy sessions at The Center for Health and Healing, in Mount Kisco. These sessions, which last 45 to 75 minutes, help school-age children experience deep relaxation, better focus and body awareness, a quieter mind, and often improved sleep as well, Matalon says.
“As the school season begins, children and teens often have increased anxiety and could benefit tremendously from CranioSacral Therapy’s gentle balancing of the central nervous system,” she says. “CST helps relieve adverse strain patterns and tissue restrictions in the bones and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, enhancing the movement of fluid throughout the brain, the spinal cord and the body as a whole. By helping the body make the biomechanical corrections necessary to allow the brain to function more efficiently, CST can help relieve ADD, ADHD, anxiety, depression and sleep issues. The experience of nurturing touch can help difficult feelings to be felt, acknowledged and released with my support and guidance.”
A licensed massage therapist in New York State for more than 30 years, Matalon is certified in CST through The Great River CranioSacral Institute.
Location: The Center for Health and Healing, 4 Smith Ave., 2nd Floor, Mount Kisco, NY. For more info, call 914.519.8138, email [email protected] or visit or