Astrology for November 2020 – with Pamela Cucinell
Oct 28, 2020 11:01AM ● By Marilee Burrell
Elect Direct
Careful communications reap rewards when we “fall back” on November 1. An undercurrent of optimism quells anxiety on November 2. Mercury direct on Election Day signals confusion, but the dominant message is received in time. Correct the course on November 4; respond, listen and share. Tension increases on November 5, and tempers are short. Demands, limitations and a refusal to understand haunt November 6; compassion and objectivity salve the spirit.
Constancy Matters
Exercise your full attention on November 7; the unexpected is possible. Seek playful creativity and fun November 8. Some people can’t be rushed on November 9, and inspiration comes with patience. The finish line seems to keep moving on November 10, but steady commitment brings satisfaction. The enjoyment of cultural stimulation reaffirms potentials on November 11. However well negotiations go on November 12, agendas don’t mesh.
Mars direct November 13: With your strategy in place, expect action to follow. Refresh your goals, put old business to bed, and map out your intentions at the dark of moon on November 14. The Scorpio new moon November 15 regenerates responsible commitments, especially in relationships, finances and shared resources. Opportunities quicken on November 16, but be prepared for the fork in the road—choose with care. Focusing on one task November 17 enables a graceful segue to the next. Avoiding arguments on November 18 enables high productivity.
Ride the Current
Keep your eye on the prize November 19; a steady pace gets you there. Communications scatter on November 20, yet all harmonizes eventually. Unwind with community, imagine possibilities, and take time out on November 21. Savor and dissolve into beautiful music, colors and right company November 22. The momentum of action flows with power and purpose on November 23. Best to stay with projects already in process November 24.
Connect to Your Essence
Don’t shortchange integrity in a rush to finish November 25. This Thanksgiving benefits from the least effort and the most acceptance. The pandemic’s ongoing spiritual lessons teach us to be present, aware and responsible for our connection to the whole. Blow off steam, admit frustration, and turn over big concerns to a Higher Power. A reassessment of values reflects in choices on November 27. Neptune direct on November 28 signals beneficial outcomes. On November 29, be wary of gossip that plants seeds of confusion. The Gemini full-moon lunar eclipse on November 30 brings trickster energy; stay the course through humor and perspective.
Pamela Cucinell offers a spiritual astrological perspective for the massive changes of our time as well as guidance through private sessions and podcasts. For info, contact her at 917.796.6026 or [email protected], or visit ASTROLOGY INSIGHT and ActiveSpirituality.Life.