
Aston Farquharson, President & CEO
Westchester, Long Island, Brooklyn, Jamaica-West Indies
1.866.261.8886 • • [email protected]
“Most of our clients have had the experience of feeling lost, either in the medical system or not knowing where to begin with natural healing. They don’t want to waste their money trying all kinds of products and treatments and not get results,” says NuSpecies President Aston Farquharson. “We lead our clients from the discomfort of disease to the freedom of good health. We’ve been doing this for over 20 years.”
Services offered:
“All the guidance and support you’ll receive from NuSpecies Team throughout your healing journey is free—analyzing your medical records and labs, educating you on what’s happening in your body, customizing your NuSpecies program and the ongoing adjustments as your health improves,” Farquharson says. “We offer all our client services by video or phone as well as in our health centers. To try NuSpecies products first and see how effective they are, it’s easy to get started today with the Cleanse & Detoxify formula, which promotes healthy, balanced and well-functioning stomach, intestines and colon. You can also start with any of our unique liquid vitamins and minerals.”
Areas of expertise:
NuSpecies has more than 20 years of experience providing natural health support for clients with STDs, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, autoimmune diseases, fibroids/cysts, menstrual problems, fertility issues, prostate enlargement, constipation, sickle cell and many other health issues resulting from toxins, hormonal imbalance and insufficient nutrition.
Philosophical approach:
“Failing health is like a sinking boat. NuSpecies believes that rather than using a bucket to continuously scoop out the water, we should find the holes and plug them up.”