Meet with Advisor Now to Pay Less in Taxes Later
Nov 30, 2021 11:52AM ● By Marilee Burrell
Ellen Rose & Felecia Sternbach, founders
The tax deadline might not happen until April, but anyone
wanting to save money then should meet with a tax professional now, before the
end of the year, says Felecia Sternbach, co-founder of Sternbach and Rose CPAs,
a full-service accounting firm located in Valhalla. By planning ahead of time,
taxpayers can reduce their income, increase their tax deduction and take
advantage of available tax credits, Sternbach says.
“The best things you can do to save on taxes are to plan ahead and get a good tax advisor,” she says. “Tax laws change every year, and what you don’t know can and will cost you money. With the uncertainties of the new infrastructure bills and their effects on individuals and small businesses, even if you never used a professional before, now is the time. A tax professional can guide you to make the right decisions in the face of these many unknowns.”
Certified public accountants are available for advice and help any time, not just at tax time, Sternbach says.
“If you have financial decisions to make during the year, this advice could be invaluable,” she says. “Most people would benefit greatly from the services of a certified public accountant.”
Location: STERNBACH & ROSE, CPAS, 115 E. Stevens Ave., Ste. 100, Valhalla, NY. For more info or a free first-time consultation, call 914.940.4449, email [email protected] or visit