2020: Work It – Astrology for the Year with Pamela Cucinell
Dec 31, 2019 10:33PM ● By Marilee Burrell
We have the opportunity to create a new world; the question is, Do we have the momentum? When Saturn and Pluto line up in the sky, they mirror power struggles here on Earth, resulting in irrevocable transformations. Jupiter has joined them in Capricorn and symbolizes expansion . . . The upcoming year is a big one! It brings huge shifts; what is unsustainable no longer holds. Don’t worry about those who seem unable to acknowledge this. Every conscious step you take toward the future has a seismic effect. You are not alone. The year 2020 is a “4” year in numerology. Focus and work to build foundation. The January 10 lunar eclipse triggers an awareness of responsibility to legacy, both personal and global. January 25 begins the Chinese New Year of the Metal Rat: Opportunities pop, but success is for those who put in the effort.
Pamela Cucinell offers a deep forecast of 2020 at InsightOasis.com. To get guidance, validation and spiritual insight with a practical twist through one-time or ongoing sessions, contact her at [email protected] or 917.796.6026.
February kicks off one of the many retrogrades in 2020, another signal of the year’s intensity (see specifics below). No one wants to back down with the Mars/Pluto picture in March; themes are manipulation, resistance and frustration. Foster a long view when impatience mars the spring equinox. Use the new moon on Earth Day to adopt a cause. With both Venus and Jupiter retrograde in May, a pervasive sense of lack stalls growth. Shore up resources and prioritize your time.
The long, hot summer opens with a solstice eclipse on the heels of the summer solstice. This ramps up emotion, so gain perspective on what deserves sustained passion. Reflection benefits the U.S. Independence Day followed by a July 5 volatile lunar eclipse. Monitor your reactions in August when tempers seethe and pressure mounts; meditation is essential—be part of the solution.
Delays increase as Mars retrograde begins in September. Yet Jupiter goes direct on September 12, to bolster opportunities for those clear on direction by the autumn equinox. Old grievances resurface in November; patterns can change when we face them. Vote on Election Day when Mercury direct indicates a clear message is sent. A December eclipse and the winter solstice promise more action in the months to come. Out of darkness the light is born.
Stellar Events
Saturn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
This picture was last seen in 1914 and has brought tensions, divisions and an increased drive for power. Existing structures collapse in spite of grasps for dominance. New foundations that encourage mergers and growth are required. Unconscious patterns benefit from increased awareness.Jupiter and Saturn, Capricorn to Aquarius
Jupiter symbolizes expansion; Saturn contraction. When they travel in Capricorn, optimism, abundance and risks are curtailed. How much this affects you depends on your personal horoscope, but global growth dampens as new systems are explored. Once Saturn and Jupiter are both in Aquarius mid-December, we begin a cycle of technology development that stretches into years beyond.Retrogrades in 2020
Watch Your Step: There Are No Straight Lines
When retrograde, a planet appears to move backward from Earth’s perspective. The symbolism of that planet indicates what internal processes are at play to thwart direct paths. This can be highly productive when you maximize the value of reflection, or it can frustrate or even delay action.The planet Mercury symbolizes the messenger, communications and transit, as well as humor, social media and news. People whose business or personal life depends on electronics feel the retrograde acutely. Messages misfire, and directions or appointments go awry. Double-check and back up. Mercury retrograde occurs three times in 2020: February 16-March 9, June 18-July 12, and October 13-November 3.
Venus goes retrograde in the sign of Gemini on May 13. Venus symbolizes how one loves and what is valued. This retrograde indicates a need to deepen communication, especially with siblings and neighbors. An old love may resurface. Avoid the purchase of expensive goods. Check with your astrologer if a wedding or new financial endeavor needs to happen at this time. Venus goes direct June 25.
Mars, symbol of desire, passion and drive, goes retrograde in the sign of Aries on September 9. This retrograde stymies those who move without hesitation or execute careful strategy. Energy surges as of November 13, with Mars direct.
When Jupiter is retrograde, it challenges businesses and investments. Hesitation affects speculation, travel or publishing. Resistance paralyzes sales and expansion. Legal matters limp along. Avoid a product or business launch during Jupiter retrograde. In the sign of Capricorn, conservative perspectives curb growth. The retrograde begins May 14 and runs through September 12.
Pamela Cucinell offers a deep forecast of 2020 at InsightOasis.com. To get guidance, validation and spiritual insight with a practical twist through one-time or ongoing sessions, contact her at [email protected] or 917.796.6026.