Expanding into the Heart of Winter, a Yoga Zoom Workshop on December 12
Jillian Pransky
The Yoga Teachers Association of the Hudson Valley will host a Zoom workshop, “Expanding into the Heart of Winter,” from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. on December 12. According to YTA president Audrey Brooks, the workshop will serve as a restorative mini-retreat.
“This will be a deep dive into the sacred pause, where we will weave together practices to harmonize our bodies, minds and spirits in order return to our innate warmth, connectedness and spaciousness,” Brooks says. “Taking time to prepare for the winter solstice and holiday season in this way can deepen your sense of wholeness and wellness throughout the season.”
She says the Latin meaning of winter solstice is “sun set still in winter.”
“Historically, many cultures honor the solstice as a time to acknowledge the passage of life and death, death and rebirth—our greatest contraction and expansion,” she says. “For after the long, dark evening of the solstice, the sun experiences a rebirth; it waxes in power, and daylight hours begin to grow longer again. It is a very powerful time to pause and reconnect with your own innate luminosity and spaciousness.”
Jillian Pransky will lead the workshop, which will incorporate slow flow yoga, meditation and restoratives, as well as essential teachings from her book, Deep Listening.
“Jillian will guide you to release blocked energy, surrender layers of deeply held stress and tension, and nurture your capacity for greater joy, compassion and intuition,” Brooks says.
For more info, call Audrey Brooks at 914.582.7816 or visit ytayoga.com.