Healthy Popsicles for the Whole Family
Jul 31, 2023 09:31AM ● By Julianna Bastone
This popsicle recipe is quick and easy. These do not contain any synthetic ingredients or flavorings and they’re one of the best options to provide the family with a healthier (and refreshing) popsicle! If possible, opt for organic fruit.
1 cup of fruit (Favorites include
strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, or lemons. Feel free to get creative and use
any fruit of choice, or a combination.)
½ cup of coconut water
Wash and cut the fruit.
Place the fruit and coconut water in a blender.
Blend until the mixture is a liquid.
Pour the liquid into popsicle molds.
Freeze for about 4 to 5 hours.
Take the molds out of the freezer to enjoy on a hot summer day!
Recipe courtesy of Certified Nutrition Coach Julianna Bastone, owner of Good JuJu Nutrition;