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Natural Awakenings Westchester / Putnam / Dutchess New York

Classes to Prevent Memory Loss and Improve the Effects of Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Sharp Again Naturally—a nonprofit dedicated to educating and empowering everyone to keep their brain healthy throughout their lives through a multi-therapeutic approach to preventing and treating memory loss—will offer their next virtual Stay Sharp Foundational Coaching Program beginning in October and will resume their free webinars in September (2023). 

The program provides a unique opportunity for those looking to preserve their cognition, or who are just beginning to notice lapses in their memory, to take a more active role in enhancing their brain health. The webinars address the many causes of dementia and how it can be prevented and treated. Many previous webinars are available on their YouTube channel.

“All the Alzheimer’s and other dementia news focuses on slowing the progression of the disease,” observes Karel Karpe, executive director. “With the proper tools and support, most people can improve their cognition and some will fully regain their former lives.”

Adds Karpe, “Studies have shown that taking early action to preserve brain health can make all the difference in our cognition as we age. Improving lifestyle choices around nutrition, exercise and sleep, and learning to manage stress, are great first steps in sharpening our brains and living more vibrant and healthier lives. But as we get older, it is hard to make these changes without support.”

For more information, call 914.281.1404, email [email protected] or visit