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Natural Awakenings Westchester / Putnam / Dutchess New York

Transform Dreams into Reality with Inspiring Vision Board Workshop

Holistic Life Coach Michele Veglia, of Peaceful Living Mental Health Counseling, in Scarsdale, is offering a Vision Board Creation Workshop on November 16, 2023, from 7 to 9 p.m., during which participants can learn to manifest their dreams.

“Vision boards are a proven, effective way to help you achieve all that you desire through concrete visualization methods and grounding techniques,” shares Veglia. “Creating your own vision board, tailored to your own desires, brings clarity to all you desire and the things you want in life to fruition.”

Veglia says that we can craft a vision board to a specific area of our life or one that encompasses all aspects of life. The part that gets people stuck sometimes is how to use it. “Making a vision board and throwing it up on the wall and forgetting about it is not going to get you that far,” she notes. “Getting into the feeling of obtaining what you want, believing in it and practicing gratitude brings you to the optimal place for manifesting what is on your vision board. Ultimately, building excitement around your dreams empowers the magic to happen.”

Cost: $35. Location: 188 Summerfield St., First Fl., Scarsdale, NY. For more information, call 914.222.3983, ext. 1, or visit