Popular Awaken Wellness Fair Returns to Tarrytown

The Awaken Wellness Fair—the big body-mind-spirit-wellness expo featuring cutting-edge holistic health information through expert speakers, unique vendors, intuitive readers and gifted healers—will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., April 14, 2024, at the Westchester Marriott, in Tarrytown.
“For over 20 years, the Awaken Fair has been committed to inspiring individuals to enrich their lives on all levels,” says founder and CEO Paula Caracappa. “The expansion of awareness surrounding the body-mind connection is reflected in the Awaken Fair exhibitor team at every event. Whether the growth is focused on physical awareness and improvement or spiritual seeking, the Awaken Fair presents this opportunity to guests. Our goal is to enable wellness-seekers to learn the latest information to develop into their very best selves.”
Sessions with readers or healers are available all day at a nominal cost. Prebooked sessions at AwakenFair.fullslate.com allow a choice of times and come with a discount of $5 or $10 depending on the length of the booking.