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Natural Awakenings Westchester / Putnam / Dutchess New York

Keep an Eye on Mars this Summer

Jun 28, 2024 09:31AM ● By Colin McPhillamy

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The astrological symbolism of Mars and Uranus is well known. Briefly, the positive side of Mars’ energy is drive, ambition and, of course, desire. The Uranus vibe is “Expect the unexpected.”

On July 15, at 2:02 a.m., on the East Coast of the United States, the planet Mars will rise over the horizon. If the night is clear, its red tinge will be easy to see. Lurking behind Mars, millions of miles distant and invisible to the naked eye, will be the first of the outer planets, Uranus.

From our point of view, these two planets will be conjunct. For us here on Earth, this might mean plenty of awakening energy with a lot of creative potential.

Every astrological configuration can be used for good or ill.

However, the truth is that Mars—after it takes a dose of the random, unpredictable and revolutionary energy that is Uranus—will continue its journey through the sky and touch some sensitive times in the United States national calendar along with some significant points in its astrological chart.

The Republican National Convention is being held on July 15. There is not room here to unpack all the symbolism that may apply. And the trouble with prediction is that it can easily be wrong.
So, what follows is a brief analytic forecast of possibilities, not certainties.

As this particular Mars-Uranus conjunction will also connect with Neptune and Pluto, it would not be surprising if we saw an electrified (Uranus) and energized (Mars) ideology (Neptune) tending to volcanic upheaval (Pluto).

The Democratic National Convention begins a month later, on August 19. At that time, Mars will touch its home point in the United States chart, and Jupiter will be in the mix, too. We may see expanded, but unfocused (Jupiter in Gemini) anger (Mars) and possibly military action (more Mars). It’s important to stress that these are potentials, not certainties.

It’s just possible, although perhaps less likely, that everyone in both conventions will be overcome with a utopian vision (Neptune) of powerful re-invention (Pluto/Uranus) and try mightily (more Mars) to transcend (Neptune) impulses to violence (Mars again).

Or not.

Energy itself is neutral; how it is used makes it positive or negative. For an individual, creative responses to Mars could include: a new sport, a dance class, a sculpture or a whirlwind romance.
How exactly an individual or a nation might express these transits depends on many factors: where they are in life’s journey and how they handled similar energies in the past.

Mythologically, Mars is also the God of War. So, it might be useful to ask, “What happens next?”
On Labor Day, Mars will enter the sign of Cancer where the 1776 natal chart of the United States has four planets. At the national level, the United States will receive plenty of martial stimulation throughout 2024 and into 2025.

As with the individual, it will be crucially important how the nation decides to use it.
There are choices.

Colin McPhillamy is a British/Australian actor/astrologer. He opened a physical office in downtown Pleasantville, on February 1, 2024, just as Pluto (transformation) was transiting his natal Venus (relating) in the 5th House (creativity). For more information, visit