2025: A Time for Reassessment, Renewal and Awakening
Dec 31, 2024 09:31AM ● By Colin McPhillamy
hanumporn Thongkongkaew on iStock.com
The astrology of 2025 is set to bring significant changes, with major celestial shifts on the horizon. These transformations are unlikely to go unnoticed, as the coming year and beyond will mark dramatic transitions. The relationship between free will and levels of awareness on Earth will shape the results, with higher consciousness leading to more profound manifestations.
The year begins with two planets closest to Earth appearing to move backwards through the zodiac. The first six to seven weeks of 2025 are a prime time for planning and strategizing, as a calm, thoughtful approach will yield better outcomes than impulsive actions. From March 1 through mid-April, applying a warm heart to relationships will help harness the energies of Mars and Venus in retrograde.
Larger astrological influences are at play. In recent years, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus have moved through Earth and Water signs, reflected in global events such as floods, earthquakes, revelations of secrets, technological advances in finance and power struggles. Now, the outer planets are transitioning to volatile Air and Fire signs, signaling a shift in global dynamics.
For the United States, this transition could lead to a profound reshaping of governance. Ideological divisions and a distorted relationship with truth may escalate into domestic conflict as efforts toward social control clash with collective desires for rebellion. Armed conflict, both domestic and international, is possible. However, the lighter energies of Air and Fire can also be creatively harnessed, fostering growth and new opportunities.
Pluto’s message is to “let go of what no longer serves you,” whether by clearing clutter or reevaluating deeply held beliefs. In May 2025, Saturn will align with Neptune in Aries, offering a chance for new beginnings. The impulse to start new projects will ebb and flow, with full realization not occurring until July 2026.
If humanity navigates the challenges of the next 18 months, a powerful astrological configuration in July 2026 could present the most enlightened opportunity of the 21st century. Additionally, the increasing number of celestial bodies discovered since the turn of the millennium presents opportunities for humanity to harness these energies for new and exciting adventures.
Air Signs (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini)
Pluto entered Aquarius on November 20, 2024, initiating a slow process of letting go of what no longer serves. This transit encourages reflection on personal and global power dynamics. Depending on individual placements, it may feel challenging or welcome, but it brings powerful cleansing and purging energy.
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)
On March 31, 2025, Neptune moves into Aries for 14 years, quickening dreams and aspirations. This transit will inspire Fire signs to take action, live their truth, and create their dreams with passion and determination.Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces)
Jupiter enters Cancer on June 10, 2025, where it will remain for a year. This is a great time for Water signs to nurture relationships, engage in charitable acts, and connect with loved ones. Familial bonds may deepen, and themes of giving and receiving care will emerge.Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo)
Uranus completes its seven-year journey through Taurus on July 8, 2025, shifting into Gemini. This transition may bring unexpected developments. Earth signs should review practical arrangements and consider innovative, unconventional ideas to improve their lives.Colin McPhillamy is a British/Australian
actor/astrologer. He opened a physical office
in downtown Pleasantville, on February 1,
2024, just as Pluto (transformation) was
transiting his natal Venus (relating) in the
5th House (creativity). For more information,
visit PleasantvilleAstrology.com.
Pleasantville Astrology - 42 Memorial Plaza 131, Pleasantville, NY
ASTROLOGYColin McPhillamy British/Australian Actor/Astrologer offers in-person or online readings in Western Astrology and Tarot designed to support and empower clients. Consult the stars... Read More »