Mar 31, 2015 11:22AM
Hay fever sufferers receiving acupuncture plus medication reported a better quality of life than those only receiving drugs.
Sep 05, 2014 04:51PM ● By Sterling Swann
At birth, most people’s breathing is strong and healthy, as the respiratory system is designed to deliver oxygen with maximum efficiency ...
Jun 03, 2014 05:34PM
During electrical storms, Mother Nature converts oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3). Ozone is very chemically reactive, and for almost a century...
Jun 03, 2014 05:26PM
There are a million reasons to detox—and probably a million different ways to go about it. But the best detox program targets not just en...
Jun 03, 2014 04:28PM
Athletes looking for a natural way to maintain lean muscle have a great ally in whey protein, says Dr. Robert Silverman, DC, a chiropract...
Jun 03, 2014 04:22PM
Chocolate has been identified as one of the truly healthy “superfoods.” That’s because cacao, from which chocolate is derived, is one of ...
Sep 28, 2012 12:01PM
Everyone wants to “clean green” these days, so they find a different substitute for each old chemical product. Eighteen months ago, Karen...
Feb 27, 2012 08:46PM
Beginning Thursday, March 22, the SunRaven Center for Holistic and Skillful Living offers its seasonal four-day Group Juice Fast to experienced and inexperienced fasters alike.
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