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Natural Awakenings Westchester / Putnam / Dutchess New York

Planet Watch for 2014: Astrology with Pamela Cucinell

2014 - The Lights Are On!

The overall theme of 2014 is awareness and expansion in work, relationships and our connection with the environment. High financial rewards are not immediate; growth is a process. With both Jupiter (the symbol for luck and fortune) and Venus (symbol for money and love) retrograde in January, the trend is to invest in products and services of lasting value. New Moons open and close January, encouraging forward movement on well-designed strategies.

The Chinese New Year of the Horse begins on January 31 with Venus direct. Relationships either work or they don’t; decide where to put your energy. A Horse year brings exuberant ideas that thrive when respectfully harnessed. In February, research and focus bring quality results to the surface.

In March, a retrograde Mars (symbol of desire and action) hones creativity but the results take time. When Jupiter goes direct in March, opportunities can crop up. Use the Spring Equinox to stoke your dream. Eclipses and rare sky pictures in April trigger changes that can overwhelm. Get your inner house in order. 

Mars goes direct on May 19, when actions on hold can seem more viable. In June, remember that feelings matter and thoughtfulness is rewarded. In July, a mandate to build is in direct contrast with a hesitancy to commit. August promises relaxation for those who narrow their focus.

In September, fresh starts take off with the Autumn Equinox; prepare to go full throttle. Eclipses in October propel an idea forward; pay attention to what presents itself. The more present you are when networking in November, the more effective the results. If you meet fears in December, you can benefit from the thrust for important changes at the year’s end. Embrace that big dream.

Stellar Events: Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto: Symbols of Irrevocable Change

In the mid-1960s the planets Uranus (change) and Pluto (transformation) were in direct line with one another from Earth’s perspective. As they continue to make their slow orbits, they are now in a 90° configuration to one another. This means that movements for civil and gender rights, pacifism and environmental awareness have hit a point of tension, along with the growth in holistic lifestyles and explosions in art and music that began 50 years ago. Irrevocable change is here and, while it is an ongoing process, there are some dates to note. December 15 is a powerful day for prayer and intention. April 20 and 21 have a great deal of energy due to the addition of Jupiter (which tends to make everything it touches “bigger”). Make breath work and meditation your daily routine.   

Doing the Backstroke: Retrogrades in 2014

When a planet appears to move backward from Earth’s perspective, it indicates an internal process or delays in the areas of life symbolized by the planet. Depending on your comfort zone, this can be a rich experience or frustrating, at best. 

The planet Mercury symbolizes the messenger, communications and transit, impacting our high-tech lives and dependence on electronics. When Mercury goes retrograde, do not assume that messages are received, appointments are clear or directions are dependable. My technologically savvy friend calls Mercury retrograde his “favorite superstition” because he’s observed its results.

As mentioned, 2014 opens with Venus retrograde. For the planet associated with love, money and beauty, this can indicate inhibited spending. Jupiter, also retrograde, magnifies a tendency to curtail risk. It’s not advisable to start a business when either Venus or Jupiter are retrograde. Just as Jupiter is about to turn, Mars goes retrograde in March. Expect a slow start to enterprise in the first half of the year.

Mercury Retrograde – Double check appointments, and back everything up. February 6 to 28 (in Pisces); June 7 to July 1 (in Cancer), October 4 to 25 (in Scorpio)     

Venus Retrograde (in Capricorn) – Avoid a new look, unless you were born with Venus retrograde. Old friends and lovers tend to pop up. Research any major investments and reassess what you value and why. December 21, 2013 to January 31, 2014

Mars Retrograde (in Libra) – Can be a challenging period for Aries and Scorpio. The key to graceful handling is to remember that the initiator tends to lose. March 1 through May 19.

Jupiter Retrograde – Challenging for a businesses involved in speculation, investment, travel or communications. This is a time for study and introspection. Began in autumn 2013 and runs through March 6, 2014. Since Jupiter is retrograde in the sign of Cancer, real estate gets stronger once it goes direct. At the end of 2014 Jupiter retrogrades once more, this time in Leo.

Pamela Cucinell writes in-depth forecasts at In individual sessions, she provides “spot on” guidance and life destiny coaching. For revelatory, reliable and relevant private sessions and on-line subscriptions contact [email protected] or call 917.796.6026.